Show 61 – Gandalf and Butterflies

Live By Heart Today Show #61 | Gandalf and Butterflies
Our theme is Rebirth this season and we have a heart to heart about coming to terms with our post-transformation periods and adjusting to our new found abilities and perceptions.
Dawn and Wendy compare Gandalf's transformation in Middle Earth from a grey wizard to white one to that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
We use Gandalf and butterflies to represent how we evolve along our soul's journey through internal and external circumstances and how we come out on the other side as a whole new being.
We share how hindrances challenge us and shape us into becoming wiser and more efficient by showing us the defects we need to improve upon.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." — Gandalf
This is a show designed to help navigate change and uncertainty by talking a little bit about science, a little bit about how our body works, a little bit about intuition and a whole lot about transformation.
Live By Heart Today is a weekly live stream hosted by Dawn Spiegelberg, a Coherence Coach and Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Transformation Facilitator.
Another creative art production by Retro Earth Studio.