Show 63 – Whatcha Gonna Do

Live By Heart Today Show #63 | Whatcha Gonna Do
Dawn and Wendy have a heart to heart about taking the next best action when faced with a challenging life transformation.
We delve into the story about Esther from the Old Testament and how she reacted when being faced with a no-win situation and ended up creating her own solution.
When we create a goal for our self or when we choose something that we don't know what our full potential is, we learn what we are capable of and what requires more attention.
Often we are faced with harsh conditions, it tests our resolve and our ability to respond; sometimes, we discover the best action is to dive within.
Live By Heart Today is a weekly live stream hosted by Dawn Spiegelberg, a Coherence Coach and Wendy R Wolf, a Professional Transformation Facilitator.
Produced by Retro Earth Studio.